Friday, May 24, 2013

Sometimes a penny is worth so much more...

We love to hear from our patients to see how they are doing after they have had surgery to improve their sight.  We recently received a very special letter that is too sweet not to share!  This patient was so thrilled with her new vision after cataract surgery that she wrote about a special experience and a penny that she found.

Dr. Ross and Staff,

Just wanted to say thank you to you and your staff for a wonderful experience. Everyone involved was wonderful.  Now thanks to all, I can see again.  I can now do all the things I used to enjoy.  The other day I went for a walk, which is one thing I enjoy.  I saw a penny on the ground.  If not for you, this wouldn't have been possible.  Thank you,  I am very grateful.  

The Penny
I saw the penny
on the street
on the ground 
near my feet.
It fell from heaven above
The angels dropped it there.
To remind us to be thankful 
for all that we see.

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