Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Career Day at Moore Elementary!

On April 26th,  the students at Moore Elementary learned about a career in
ophthalmology from Dr. Mark Moran of Lehigh Valley Center for Sight.
Dr. Mark Moran answers student questions about ophthalmology
 at Moore Elementary School's Career Day.  

An experienced cataract and LASIK surgeon, Dr. Moran explained how lasers are used in eye surgery.          He illustrated how the eye works by showing the students optical illusions, which helped to explain the important role that the brain plays in interpreting what they eye sees.  The optical illusions proved that sometimes seeing is not believing!

Dr. Moran applauds the efforts of the Moore Elementary students!
The students were engaged and attentive, which was a good thing, since Dr. Moran gave them a quick quiz at the end of the presentation.  The results were impressive...they really were listening!  Maybe one (or more) of them will be ophthalmologists in the future!

Thanks to the staff &
parents at Moore Elementary for inviting LVC4S to be a part of Career Day 2013.  

Sometimes the eye plays tricks!
Stare at the center dot and move your head back & forth
 and see what happens to the outer circles. Are they really moving?

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