Sunday, May 12, 2013

New champs in town!

Dr. Ahdieh presents the plaque to the winning team.
Pictured From l to r: Dr. Ahdieh, Bob Kernechel, Denise Sandt,
Eileen Konigsberg & Georgie Dean.
Team Ahdieh is the winner of the Spring 2013 Lehigh Valley Center for Sight Bowling League!  Dr. Ahdieh was on hand to present the award as the season came to a close on May 8th.  Clinical Technician Denise Sandt, Front Office's Eileen Konigsberg, and staff family members Georgie Dean and Bob Kernechel made up were all members of this championship team.

The LVC4S fall season starts on September 11th, with all new teams.  We keep on rolling!

The Lehigh Valley Center for Sight staff and family bowling league members.  See you in the fall!

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