Friday, May 24, 2013

Dr. T is for the Birds!

Dr. Bill Trachtenberg's photo in the Vallarta Tribune. 

We have all known that Dr. Trachtenberg was talented ophthalmologist, but did you know he is a specialist in ornithology as well?  Dr. Bill Trachtenberg is the Vice President of the Vallarta Bird Conservancy in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico, where he has been a part-time resident for the past 13 years.  

  He was recently featured in an article on the 2nd Vallarta Bird Festival in the Vallarta Tribune, which notes that he is "an active, enthusiastic and knowledgable  birder and field guide and has participated in a wide variety of ornithological events and conservation activities in the U.S. and Mexico.  Considering Bill's passion for birding, his familiarity with the area's most popular birding sides and encyclopedic knowledge of local bird species, participants in the 2013 Festival will be sure to find Bill an excellent and highly entertaining field guide."  Excellent and highly entertaining are descriptions that certainly describes the Dr. T that we know!

Here in Pennsylvania, he continues to enjoy his passion for birds as well.  He has served as a field guide for the Muhlenberg College's Acopian Center for Ornithology, and as a Spring and Fall bird count participant in Allentown.  He is an active member of the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton.  The New Jersey Audubon Society and Cape May Bird Observatory are also proud to have him as a member.  

Sometimes a penny is worth so much more...

We love to hear from our patients to see how they are doing after they have had surgery to improve their sight.  We recently received a very special letter that is too sweet not to share!  This patient was so thrilled with her new vision after cataract surgery that she wrote about a special experience and a penny that she found.

Dr. Ross and Staff,

Just wanted to say thank you to you and your staff for a wonderful experience. Everyone involved was wonderful.  Now thanks to all, I can see again.  I can now do all the things I used to enjoy.  The other day I went for a walk, which is one thing I enjoy.  I saw a penny on the ground.  If not for you, this wouldn't have been possible.  Thank you,  I am very grateful.  

The Penny
I saw the penny
on the street
on the ground 
near my feet.
It fell from heaven above
The angels dropped it there.
To remind us to be thankful 
for all that we see.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Career Day at Moore Elementary!

On April 26th,  the students at Moore Elementary learned about a career in
ophthalmology from Dr. Mark Moran of Lehigh Valley Center for Sight.
Dr. Mark Moran answers student questions about ophthalmology
 at Moore Elementary School's Career Day.  

An experienced cataract and LASIK surgeon, Dr. Moran explained how lasers are used in eye surgery.          He illustrated how the eye works by showing the students optical illusions, which helped to explain the important role that the brain plays in interpreting what they eye sees.  The optical illusions proved that sometimes seeing is not believing!

Dr. Moran applauds the efforts of the Moore Elementary students!
The students were engaged and attentive, which was a good thing, since Dr. Moran gave them a quick quiz at the end of the presentation.  The results were impressive...they really were listening!  Maybe one (or more) of them will be ophthalmologists in the future!

Thanks to the staff &
parents at Moore Elementary for inviting LVC4S to be a part of Career Day 2013.  

Sometimes the eye plays tricks!
Stare at the center dot and move your head back & forth
 and see what happens to the outer circles. Are they really moving?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

New champs in town!

Dr. Ahdieh presents the plaque to the winning team.
Pictured From l to r: Dr. Ahdieh, Bob Kernechel, Denise Sandt,
Eileen Konigsberg & Georgie Dean.
Team Ahdieh is the winner of the Spring 2013 Lehigh Valley Center for Sight Bowling League!  Dr. Ahdieh was on hand to present the award as the season came to a close on May 8th.  Clinical Technician Denise Sandt, Front Office's Eileen Konigsberg, and staff family members Georgie Dean and Bob Kernechel made up were all members of this championship team.

The LVC4S fall season starts on September 11th, with all new teams.  We keep on rolling!

The Lehigh Valley Center for Sight staff and family bowling league members.  See you in the fall!

Dr. Trachtenberg Celebrates

Happy Birthday Dr. Trachtenberg!

Dr. William Trachtenberg was surprised with a birthday celebration in his honor at LVC4S in April.  Dr. T started practicing medicine in 1975, and continues to see patients in our Allentown office on a part-time basis.

Always a patient and staff favorite, Dr. Trachtenberg enters a room with a big smile...and often with a joke (or two!).    Even though his name was misspelled on the cake (they missed the second "t"), he was happy to share the treat with the staff.  Many happy returns Dr. T!

Broken Down on Route 22?

We travel Route 22 on our way to both our Bethlehem and Allentown offices, and know that many of our patients do too.  Here's a tip we found just last week when one of our employees was stranded with a flat tire on Route 22.

PennDot has an emergency dispatch number that puts you in touch with tow trucks that cruise Route 22 during rush hour.   When our office administrator called the number, PennDot could see Kathy's car on the shoulder of the road using their cameras.  The tow truck pulled up soon after, replaced Kathy's tire with a donut, and Kathy was back on the road.

If you get stranded call PennDot at 610-871-4600.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Recycle for SIGHT at LVC4S!

At LVC4S, we accept your eyeglasses donations all year long!
May is the Lions Club International "Recycle for Sight Month".   Just last month, Paulette Moran packaged 381 pairs of used eyeglasses and 126 eye glass cases for the Lions Club, many of which were donated by Lehigh Valley Center for Sight patients!  Thank you to all who donated their used eyeglasses; they are very much appreciated! 

LVC4S accepts donations of used eyeglasses and eyeglass cases all year long.  Bring your old glasses along with you to your next appointment, and we'll make sure that they get to someone in need!  Tell your friends and family its always a good time to recycle for sight! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Raising Awareness & Support for Autism

JoAnne's dedication inspired the staff to support her
in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks.  She is seen here
 with her sock monkey mascot and a check for $390!

Fairmont Optical's JoAnne McDaniel took a long walk for a great cause on April 20th.  She participated in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks.  Inspired by JoAnne's dedication, LVC4S co-workers pitched in $5 each for a dress-down day fundraiser!

All together, the staff raised $195 towards Autism research. The doctors matched the staff's generosity by matching the amount raised by the staff, for a total Lehigh Valley Center for Sight donation of $390!

As part of her commitment to autism awareness, JoAnne shared these facts:

 - More children are diagnosed with autism each year than with juvenile diabetes, AIDS or cancer combined.

 - ASD affects over 2 million individuals in the US and tens of millions worldwide.

 - 1 out of ever 54 boys, and 1 out of every 252 girls are diagnosed with autism.

 - Each individual with autism is unique.  Many of those on the autism spectrum have exceptional abilities in visual skills, music and academics.

For more information go to