Friday, June 14, 2013

A Mother's Gift

One of our recent LASIK patients told us a story that we wanted to share.  They say that hindsight is 20/20, in this case, a mother's foresight gave her daughter a gift of 20/20 vision.

One day after LASIK surgery, Dr. Moran, Stiliani and her
daughter Angelina.  Thanks to LASIK surgery, she can see just
how beautiful her daughter truly is!
When Stiliani was a little girl, they realized that she had poor vision.  Although she wore glasses, it was difficult to correct her sight to 20/20 due to a very high astigmatism.   The eye doctor told her mother that when Stiliani was older, she might be able to have LASIK surgery to permanently correct her eyes.

So her mom started saving so that her daughter could have LASIK when she was an adult. Each month she put a little money away for her daughter's procedure.  When Stiliani reached her 21st birthday, her mom surprised her with a the money needed to cover her LASIK procedure.  

Dr. Moran performed her LASIK surgery this past May.  One day later, Stilliani's eyesight was 20/20.  Before LASIK, even with her glasses, she hadn't been able to see fine detail.  After LASIK, her vision is sharper than it has ever been.   A proud mom herself, Stiliani said that she knew her 1-year-old daughter was pretty, but now she can see the details of how very beautiful she is!  We definitely agree!  

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