Wednesday, May 23, 2012
One Good Deed Deserves Another!
The winner of our Ironpigs $150.00 Gift Certificate gives the gift of sight to a good friend. Lisa Kucsan(left) is presented the gift certificate that was won by her good friend Jessica Bobol (far right) and the clinical manager of our Bethlehem office, Debra Porter (middle). Since Jessica had already received a recent eye exam and glasses, she generously made a gift the $150.00 certificate to her friend, Lisa. Lisa will soon see Dr. Ahdieh! We sincerely look forward to assisting Jessica and Lisa with all their eye care needs.
Mandy Celebrates the even dozen!
Mandy(left) is celebrating her 12th year of service and patient care with the Center for Sight! She is our front office coordinator at our Bethlehem office. Rosanne congratulates her, while presenting a rose to show our gratitude to her.
Friday, May 18, 2012
IronPigs Vance Worley Glasses
The doctors and staff celebrated another IronPigs win at the park yesterday. Vance Worley look alike glasses were given to the fans and important eye care information was distributed. Ms.Lisa Kucsan was the lucky winner of a gift certificate to Fairmont optical. Maybe she'll have her prescription put into her Vance Worley look alikes? You can see some pictures of the game on Facebook. Remember to "Like" us there.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
May is Recycle for Sight Month!
In support of this, we are supporting and assisting Lions Club International collect used eyeglasses, which will be distributed to people in need. Collection boxes and additional information are available at both our Allentown and Bethlehem Optical Centers. We welcome prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses and plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed. If you have eyeglasses you no longer need, please donate them now! We would also invite you to also encourage others to do so. Everyone can help! Boxes will be available throughout the year. In honor of their efforts, all of our employees will be receiving a “Recycle for Sight” pin!
Eileen celebrates her 3rd year!
We are pleased to celebrate the 3rd year anniversary of Eileen (left), one of our wonderful front office staff. Eileen is being presented with a lovely rose by Rosanne, our administrator.
Congrats Eileen and thank you for 3 years of service and patient care!
Congrats Eileen and thank you for 3 years of service and patient care!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Dr. Grover presents to local Optometrists
Dr. Grover recently presented to local optometrists on the topic of cataracts and other diseases which can make their diagnosis difficult. All the attending optometrists received continuing medical education credits for the State Board of Optometry. Dr. Grover, as do all the doctors, at the Lehigh Valley Center for Sight take pride in helping education our colleagues. They all present educational seminars locally and nationally to other doctors on a regular basis.